Welcome to Vintage Porcelain Art! I am an award winning porcelain artist with over 20 years experience. I specialize in the vintage "lost" art of china painting in the style of the old victorian masters as well as in the romantic, shabby and cottage chic style. Thank you for letting me share my art with you!
Announcing the launch of my blog "Enchanted Brushstrokes"! This is a blog where I will discuss my art interests other than porcelain! I invite you to take a looksie and tell me what you think!
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Visit my Other Blog! Enchanted Brushstrokes~ Art on People, Places and Things
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The decoration of china is a peculiarly interesting art, because by this means articles that are both beautiful and useful are produced, and also in that the mineral decoration, once fixed by fire, is fadeless and invulnerable to the ravages of time as long as the object upon which it is applied endures.
~Mary Louise McLaughlin
The China Painters, Handbook
In conclusion, look upon this art not altogether as "a craze", or as a pastime - it is something nobler.
~Susan Stuart Goodrich Frackelton
Tried by Fire
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything You gave me." ~ Erma Bombeck