
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pink Saturday!!

 Hello My Pinky Friends!
Happy Pink Saturday to you!

My first share is ME!  I'm TICKLED PINK and TOTALLY BLESSED!
I want to share with you some good news.....
A few months ago, my husband had some health issues and was hospitalized. He has since been recovering from the reason he was in the hospital very nicely (well very miraculously but that is another story for another time.). But while he was there the Dr. said he saw something in a scan that he thought may be a mass near my husbands liver or pancreas.
Another scan (an ultra sound), and now they said there was a large mass, and it was in his pancreas.
But, ultrasounds aren't very clear, so and CAT scan was ordered.
This time the results were that his pancreas was enlarged which could be a mass inside.
We were worried and frustrated with the lack of certainty over something that could be possibly very severe. I was really working to keep calm for my husband, but was I was frantic. I just lost my father to pancreatic cancer in May this year. It was so difficult to not worry and remember that my husband is in God's hands even though it is easy to see what miraculous things God has been doing in my husbands life.
So, then another test, this time exploratory surgery with a scope. We were told that the procedure would be performed by the top GI Dr in the country. 
He had the procedure this week and there is NO sign of ANY mass in his pancreas or anywhere else, and all his organs are in EXCELLENT condition!
There have been many people praying for us and we have been so blessed. 
Thank you for letting me share this story with you.
 My painting, this blog and all the wonderful friends I've made have really helped keep me sane and calm during these last few months while this was happening.

So now on to my next share :) .......
Not sure how I'm going to follow that but,
here is some porcelain!

This sugar/nut scuttle is now for sale in my eBay store! 

Please stop by and see our hostess and the rest of the "pinkies"!


  1. That is a beautiful cup. But even more beautiful is the fact that your husband no longer has a mass. Obviously, it was there at one point, but after prayer it was gone. Praise God for His touch. I was just thinking about pancreatic cancer last night, as I was watching a Patrick Swayze movie and feeling sad that he died of pancreatic cancer just last year. That kind of cancer rarely has a good outcome, so I'm rejoicing with you that your husband's pancreas (and other organs) are totally healthy.


  2. What beautiful porcelain. I love how daity yet strong porcelain can be.
    Wonderful news about your husband. I do believe in the power of prayer. And not always as much the power of modern medical testing.
    I am sorry for the loss of your father. Mine passed years ago but I miss him still.

  3. Great story thanks for sharing your miracles!

    love, kelee

  4. Praise God for your answer to prayer, Amy! I am so happy for all of you. What a beautiful piece you have shared today; love the colours! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news and the beautiful piece of art. Happy Pink Saturday.


  5. Such a lovely post. So glad all worked out for your hubby. Have a great weekend.

  6. Oh Amy I love the first pink you shared about your husband. What an awesome answer to prayer. That's a praise. You should write that down so you can remember it later :) :) I'm glad your husband is doing better!!!

    I loved that sugar/nut scuttle too. You paint so beuatiful and with a really nice attention to detail!!! Have a great Sunday. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  7. God has plans that man cannot understand. Praise is Name!!!! Happy Miracle Weekend.

  8. Dearest Amy,

    So sorry to hear of your troubles, yet better days ahead as praise God, what an answer to prayer!..,I had tears in my eyes as I read this account of God's amazing grace with your dear husband, to be sure!.., So sorry for your loss last May of your father however dear lady!

    Thanks for sharing this poigant, true story with us!

    ~ What a beautiful sugar and nut scuttle! ~ So lovely Heather!

    Also, your very lovely post from last week's tea was so very sweet and pretty with your absolutely beautiful porcelain creations..,Wow!

    ~ Why the blues and soft periwinkle, purpley blues were breathtaking!.., And all so very artfully arranged as well!.., Pure visual delight dear Amy!

    ..,(I have been out of the office taking such much needed vacation, 'R. and R.' time); yet I wanted to thank you so very much also for partaking with last week's little tea parties!..,

    Thanks so much for for sharing this loveliness as well as being a precious part of our, Tuesday Tea For Two' and 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'; 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland", experience dear lady!..,

    I always love having you join us!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
    and also


You just made my day! I very much appreciate your comments and will try to respond as soon as possible! :)