
Monday, June 28, 2010

Tea Cup,Tea Pot & Tea Things Tuesday! Everything Tea!

Welcome to Tea Tuesday!
I'm so happy you are here!
Here are the pieces that I have chosen to share with you this week....

These double spouted tea pots are sold in my eBay store and can be custom painted for you!

These are salt and pepper shakers! I have a set painted similar to this
in my eBay store.

Also, I have many items for sale at Victoria Rose Cottage, check out the links at the side of this blog!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! Your comments mean so much to me! Please follow me to see all my newly finished pieces!


  1. Hi: I am speechless. I have never seen a teapot like this one. It is amazing. In fact all the tea things you posted with week leave me drooling. Thank you for sharing them with us. Blessings, Martha

  2. Oh Amy,
    I am in AWE and so wish I could paint my roses on porcelain. I love your gorgous teapots! Roses are a FAV of mine!


  3. While I can paint other flowers on porcelain I could just never master the rose. Your painting is awesome!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  4. You are an artist! and I love your works
    Meet you has been a pleasure
    Happy Tea Cup Tuesday!

  5. These are over the moon gorgeous Amy!
    I;ve never seen a double handled teapot before and your painted roses make it even more of a treasure!
    Thanks for sharing some of your beautiful creations!
    Tuesday Hugs and Smiles,

  6. Hi Amy,
    Your tea pot is just gorgeous; love everything about it! I adore your pink roses! I will be happy to add your link, you're not too late. Just add my link to your post and you're all set. What a dreamy post! Thanks for stopping by and joining me for Tea Time.
    Hope you're having a wonderful week.


  7. Hi Amy :) O..M..G..!!! These pieces you have shown are drop-dead GORGEOUS!! I have never ever seen a two-sided teapot incredible :) Your handpainted roses are so beautiful! How I wish I knew how to paint :( I'm so glad that you do, and you bring such beauty to the world with your painting. Thank you for sharing these lovely pieces with all of us!

    Happy Teacup Tuesday to you!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  8. That is a very beautiful and unusual teapot. Being able to serve two teas from the same pot is quite a novelty. All your pieces are very pretty and I like your photo styling.

  9. Those are lovely and of course who doesn't love a well painted rose? If you are the artist I have to say your work is fabulous!
    Tina xo

  10. That is an unusual tea pot, I can't say I have ever seen a double spouted one before.
    I am amazed that you paint these yourself. You are really talented!
    This set is just beautiful.
    Thank you so much for joining in Tea Cup Tuesday and sharing your art with us today.

  11. This gives a new meaning to "Pretty In Pink" ..
    I am stunned and amazed by the beauty of your teaset..


  12. Amy,
    I have just discovered your blog today and am immediately a follower. Your work leaves me speechless. I cannot believe the beauty of what you do. I am checking out your ebay store as soon as I leave this post.
    I am amazed at the talent God gives to us. Your lovely work is such a blessing to others who, like myself, are unable to create such treasures.
    Thank you for your lovely post---it has made my day.

    In Grace, Marie

  13. Hi Amy! Everything looks so pretty! You do beautiful work, and it's always a pleasure to stop by and see what pretty new things you have to share!.. Have a nice evening! ~tina

  14. wow! you handpainted all these! my oh my.. soooo beautiful! and the teapot is very unique. never see one like yours. wish I could paint like you, but unfortunately all I know is how to shop in eBay.. teehee.. thanks for sharing and I shall give your eBay store a visit!.

  15. I've never seen a teapot like that before. It's lovely and your painting skills are amazing. Take care.

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog today.

    Your handpainted rose items are beautiful!

  17. Oh, that is just beautiful!!! Breathtaking actually!

  18. Wow was beautiful tea cups and tea pots!

  19. Thank you all for stopping by my blog and commenting! I really appreciate it! I would like to respond to each of you but can't seem to bloggers trick to doing it! But Thank you again, your comments mean so much to me!

  20. Wow! I am totally impressed with your talent! These are beautiful. Interesting double spout teapot. Never have seen one like it. Thanks for sharing these! Hugs!

  21. Hey Sister,
    Welcome and I love the project. I am following you and will be back. I have some china paints and would like to ask you some questions. Can you recommend a beginners book? The paints I bought at a yard sale from a lady that made dolls.

  22. Thank you Amy,
    for responding so quickly to my questions. I'm sure we will be talking again soon.


You just made my day! I very much appreciate your comments and will try to respond as soon as possible! :)