
Friday, July 9, 2010

Pink Saturday July 10, 2010!

Welcome to Pink Saturday once again!

As always, many thanks to Beverly for hosting our favorite pink day!
Click here to see other Pink Saturday posts.

Another heart felt thank you goes out to my new blogger friend Valerie at "Poems My Way". She has many inspirations and "soul food" on her blog.

Click here and see her and help her reach her goal of 100 followers!

So, enough out of me! :)
Here are my Pink "show and tells".......
First I'll show you what you probably came to see, some PINK ROSES on Porcelain! 

Roses and lilacs pitcher

Pierced Heart Box

Cherubs and Roses

I may have mentioned before that I like to paint on other things other than porcelain....
But before I show you, I have some "splainin' to do"!
For 9 years I was a professional clown, and  being the painter that I am, the face painting (with or without the clown costume) was my favorite part of the job!
Well, one thing led to another and I became well known for my face and body painting.
Pregnant belly painting became a very popular request for me. About 2 years ago
I was invited to do a segment on Pregnant Belly Painting for a nationally televised show called "The Doctors".
It aired last year a few times.

Pink Star Gazer Lilies on a Pregnant Belly!
(BTW! "It" was a girl! :D)

Thank you for the priveledge of sharing my art with you.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Tea Time Tuesday Again!


Yes, it is that time again! Here is what I have picked out to share with you this week.......
French Style Tea Set

Tea for One

Pink Rose Cup and Saucer

My Double Spouted Teapots made such a hit last week, I thought I'd share another!

New Arrivals in My Ebay Store~

Once again, thank you so much for stopping by! Please leave a message so I know you were here.
I would love to pay you a visit in return!

Thank you to all the Tea Party Hostesses ~
Please pay them a visit and get the list of the other tea party participants.

Tuesday Tea For Two 
Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee 

Tea Time Tuesday

Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday

Tea Cup Tuesday